Hand Tools

Light Equipment

Brake Lathe Accessory, Truck Adapter Set (Ranger - Model 5150161)

Price: $2,075.00


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Adapter Set for hubless cast/composite auto and light truck rotors, drums and flywheels. This set covers most automotive rotors and drums inservice today including most light trucks up to 3/4 ton. Eliminates the need for out-of-date inaccurate bell adapters.

For use on Ranger model RL-8500 Brake Lathe

These technically advanced brake lathe adapters feature patented neoprene rubber banded flange plates. Rubber banded flange plates help reduce harmonic vibration and chatter producing a superior micro surface finish. Rubber banded flange plates are also easier to use and safer to handle.
Proper brake lathe machining techniques demanded by original equipment manufacturers world wide continue to escalate as customers expect a higher quality of service. Don't replace an expensive rotor when it can be machined. Ranger is committed to our customers and the industry by utilizing exclusively, high quality, high mass flange plate adapters. Our continuous efforts are to provide the best, most cost effective, highest quality brake lathe adapters and accessories money can buy to meet the needs of our customers.
Increases performance levels on most 1" arbor lathes and delivers a superior microfinish on drums and rotors, composite and standard cast applications and most flywheels. Single setup, self-centering, with extra mass for maximum vibration damping.

Shipping Information
  • Dimensions - N/A
  • Shipping Weight - 40 Lbs. / 18 kg.
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