Grease Gun Accessory, whip Hose, 12' with Cplr & Disc (American Forge & Foundry: model 8014)
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Grease Gun Accessory, Hose 18", High Pressure (American Forge & Foundry: model 8618)
Grease Gun Accessory, Hose 12", High Pressure (American Forge & Foundry: model 8612)
Grease Gun Accessory, Grease Hose 18" with Spring (American Forge & Foundry: model 8019)
Grease Gun Accessory, Grease Hose 12" with spring (American Forge & Foundry: model 8013)
Grease Gun Accessory, Grease Hose 18" (American Forge & Foundry: model 8018)
Grease Gun Accessory, Grease Hose 12" (American Forge & Foundry: model 8012)
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Steel Bolt-On Pivoting Ramp (set of 2) for applications such as import car service, drive-thru lube bays, restoration or body shops where storage is not a concern
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