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Test Leads, LOADPro Dynamic (Electronic Specialties - Model 180)

Price: $61.61



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Features and Benefits:

  • LOADpro Test Leads load the circuit to see if current can flow
  • LOADpro identifies these problems fast: High corrosive resistance, Shorts to ground and Open circuits
  • By loading the circuit, LOADpro makes a voltage drop test “on the fly”, just press the switch – the test results can not lie!
  • Use LOADpro with your Digital Multimeter and follow our test method - you will find wiring faults quicker
  • SteadyPin Probe Tips

LOADpro performs voltage drop test with the push of a button. On a 12 Volt system, pressing the switch applies a load of approximately .5 Amps across the circuit. This simple test finds problems in corroded wires/connections and shorts to ground. Works with your existing Digital Multimeter. Instead of a pointed probe, SteadyPin tips have a small recess at the tip that allows the probe to sit firmly on a male ECM or connector pin. Traditional pointed probes fail to give an effective connection and creates difficulties in completing manufacturer specific voltmeter tests.


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